Spring Term Subject Information
Reading books will be changed twice a week. Reading for pleasure books will be sent home on a Monday and reading practice books on a Thursday. Please make sure that you sign and return your child's reading book. For further information, please see the 'Little Wandle' guidance at the start of our class page.
Homework will be set each Thursday via our ClassDojo. This will include spellings, new vocabulary (Ninja words) and a practical Maths activity/game. Spellings will be tested every Wednesday in school.
During the Spring Term, our PE days will be Mondays and Fridays. Please don't forget to come to school wearing your PE kits on those days.
We will be exploring a variety of different genres.
Phonics - we will continue with daily 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds' lessons.
Maths - We use 'White Rose Maths' following the National Curriculum and enhancing this with active maths lessons.
Art - This term we will be looking at developing painting skills; exploring colour mixing through paint play using a range of tools to paint on different surfaces and creating paintings inspired by Clarice Cliff and Jaspar Johns.
D&T - This term we will be making simple fruit salads. We will to distinguish between fruit and vegetables and where they grow.
Geography - We will be learning about the area local to our school and maps. We then explore and learn about the UK and continents.
History - We will be exploring how cars, buses, trains and bicycles have changed since our grandparents were little!
Computing - We will be learning how to programme Bee-Bots. We will then move onto learning about what data is and the different ways that it can be represented.
Religious Education - We use the 'Discovery RE' scheme. Our topics are called 'Was it always easy for Jesus to show friendship?' and 'Why was Jesus welcomed like a king or celebrity by the crowds on Palm Sunday?'
Music - Trafford Music services follow a fun scheme called 'Charanga.'
Science - We will be learning about materials followed by plants. We also continue to explore seasonal changes.
Jigsaw - Our puzzles (topics) are 'Dreams and Goals' and 'Healthy Me'.