This term we have lots of interesting topics to look forward to and we will be sharing photos along the way.
English - This term, we will be looking at the modern classic Charlie and the Chocolate factory and later at the whole school book 'Journey' by Aaron Becker. Also in our non-fiction work, we will focus on instructions and explanation writing, and we will look at literary language in personification poems.
Maths - In Maths, we use White Rose to support our teaching and learning. Our topics include Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, and Fractions.
Science - This term's topic is Properties and Changes in Materials.
History - Our work on the past will explore the Anglo Saxon invasion and settlement of Britain.
Geography - The focus of our autumn geography topic is the Earth- longitude, latitude, the tropics, climate zones, biomes and the water cycle.
Computing - In our computing work we will be exploring internet safety, followed by creating digital media using Stop Motion as well as programming using Espresso Coding.
Jigsaw - Our topics this term are 'being me in my world' and 'celebrating difference'.
Art - We will be exploring the use of sketch books and developing our basic skills using a variety of media. We will produce a final self portrait using mixed media.
Design Technology - We will be learning a variety of stitching techniques and creating basic templates. We will also use our skills to make Anglo Saxon style pouches.
PE - On Mondays, AJ from Altrincham Football Club will be working on football with us and on Wednesday afternoons we will have the Sports for All team who will cover dance and basic skills.
RE - Our RE topic will explore Hinduism and people's commitment to their faith. In autumn 2, our focus will be Christianity and the Christmas story/incarnation.
French - In our French work, we are building vocabulary and sentences structure with Gulay, our French assistante.
Art final pieces: portraits in mixed-media.
Modern Foreign Languages Day!
In Art, we developed our portraits in the media of collage.
A comparative and fair test to find the best material to make a bag for carrying books.
Martial Arts sessions with Judo Education
Football skills with AJ and Gayle from Altrincham FC Community Sports
Our Science topic of properties and changes of materials