This term we have lots of interesting topics to look forward to and we will be sharing photos along the way.
English - This term, we will be looking at modern fiction in The Legend of Podkin One Ear by Kieran Larwood. Also in our non-fiction work, we will focus on discussion and persuasion texts.
Maths - In Maths, we use White Rose to support our teaching and learning. Our topics include Formal methods of Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, Perimeter and Area, and Statistics.
Science - This term's topics are Earth and Space, and Forces.
History - Our work on the past will continue to explore the Viking and Anglo Saxon struggle for the kingdom of Britain.
Geography - In Geography, we will be looking at the physical and human geographical features of a Iceland and examining the effects on the lives of people who live near volcanoes.
Computing - In our computing work we will be exploring search engines, and experimenting with coding music using SCRATCH.
Jigsaw - Our topics this term are 'Dreams and Goals' and 'Healthy Me'.
Art - We will be continuing to develop our art skills in a range of projects and media related to the topic of Space.
Design Technology - We will be learning about strength and stability in structures and completing a project to test out our designs of bridges.
PE - On Tuesdays, Jo Brown will be working with us on our dodgeball skills in Spring 1, and in Spring 2 we will be learning the New Zealand Haka dance. On Wednesday afternoons we will have the Sports for All team.
RE - Our RE topic (Spring 1) is called ''How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything?" and in Spring 2 'How significant is it for Christians to believe God intended Jesus to die?'
French - In our French work, we are building vocabulary and sentences structure with Gulay, our French assistante.
Design and Technology - building bridges
Lego Workshop
ARTWORK creating textured print plates using everyday materials.
An amazing visit and workshop from Wulfric the Viking!
Our DT project Anglo Saxon bags which we did last term and just recently finished off.