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We look forward to a busy term ahead:

English - This term, we will be starting off with our whole school 'Take One Book' theme which will have a focus on the picture book 'Quest by Aaron Becker. Our poetry work will focus on the narrative poem 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes.  Also in our non-fiction work, we will be writing biographically about the life of the great Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton. In addition, there will be links with our History work on the Golden Age of Islam when we write a report about early Islamic scholars. Our fiction work will include stories from our literary heritage: Just William by Richmal Crompton.

Maths - In Maths, we use White Rose to support our teaching and learning. Our topics include shape work on angles; position and direction involving coordinates, translation and reflection; decimal addition and subtraction; negative numbers; converting units of measurement; and volume.

Science - This term's topics are Living 'Things and their Habitats' with a focus on life cycles;  and 'Animals including humans' with a focus on birth to old age. .

History - Our work on the past will focus on the Golden Age of Islam and what life was like in Baghdad in AD 900.

Geography - In Geography, we will be looking at how climate change is affecting the lives of people around the world.

Computing - In our computing work we will be exploring data transfer and binary code whilst finding out about the work of the Mars Rover.

Jigsaw - Our topics this term are 'Relationships'  and 'Changing Me'.

Art - We will be continuing to develop our art skills in a range of projects and media related to the topic of Architecture.

Design Technology - We will be creating a savoury Middle Eastern snack linked to our History topic.

PE - On Tuesdays, a coach from Sale Sharks will be working with us on our tag rugby skills in Spring 1, and in Summer 2 we will be doing gymnastics with a focus on 'over and under'. On Wednesday afternoons we will have the Sports for All team. 

RE - Our RE topic (Summer 1) is called ''Do beliefs in Karma, Samsara and Moksha help HIndus lead good lives?" and in Summer 2 'What is the best way for a Christian to show commitment to God?'

French - In our French work, we are building vocabulary and sentences structure with Gulay, our French assistante.

Ilam Hall - In July, we are off on our residential to Ilam Hall for three days which will be a great opportunity to build our team working skills and our independence at the same time.

Look out for photos posted throughout the term which will give a snapshot of what we are doing.